As I write this, I have over 2000 emails in my inbox. That's partly because I've been neglecting my emails for the last couple of months. And yeah, the occasional offer to lower my mortgage, make my manhood larger or more enthusiastic, or watch some
nekkid coeds do nasty things sneaks through the spam block. But really, most of those two thousand emails are forwards, and they mostly come from folks I know.
Forwards from coworkers. Forwards from old Army buddies. Forwards from friends of friends. Forwards from friends of friends of friends.
And yeah, I
was complaining about them. All those coworkers and old Army buddies who'd do nothing but send forwards of jokes, political statements, or other stuff that I just, by gawd, had to know.
"Why the heck can't they write
something?" That's what I'd think.
Something about themselves.
Something about their daily lives.
Something about their wives.
Something about their kids and/or
grandkids. Something about their daily lives.
Something about their hopes for the future, or their recollections of the past.
At one point, I actually wrote an email to everyone on my address book, asking that the forwards cease. I never sent it. I realized that, no matter how tactfully I tried to couch my request, it would seem harsh to at least a few people.
This year, four deaths have really prompted me to look at those forwards in a new light. In the last few months, two fellow pilots have
succumbed to illness, and two others have died in helicopter accidents. I'll never see them on this earth again.
I won't complain anymore. I won't complain because those forwards mean, first and foremost, "I'm still living on this earth. You still have the opportunity to get off of your ass and call me." They mean, "You're still in my thoughts often enough to include you in this email." Or, they might mean, "You're no longer part of my daily life, but you once were, and I haven't forgotten that."
So to all of my friends and coworkers who send me nothing but forwards, please continue.
Please continue for many years to come.