It's been a good while since one of these emails snuck through the spam filter, so I thought I'd have a little fun with it.
Here's the email from, uh, "Mary."
You are an exquisite looking man. So stunning. You captured my attention.
But then I imagine you have that affect on all women. Would you be interested in corresponding? If you would like to know more about me, please reply to my email.
I couldn't just leave the poor gal hanging, so I promptly replied.
Dear Mary,
It's true: tall, middle-aged, somewhat overweight balding men such as me are often burdened by the need to fend off young, alluring women such as you.
That said, I do appreciate the accolade. I'll try to keep it in mind when I shave in the morning, when I'm prone to talk to myself: "Whoa man, what the hell happened to you?"
However, my wife is a passionate Italian woman who happens to be quite proficient with firearms. So, even if I were inclined to let the little Eskimo explore strange igloos, my strong sense of self-preservation would preclude such (mis)adventures.
I sincerely hope I've let you down gently. And please, quit skipping meals.
Hal Johnson